Summer is almost here and that means if you haven’t seen them already, you soon will… fire ants. It’s time to treat your lawn. We have several different kinds and types of ways to treat fire ants at Bar None Country Store.  Pick the method that works best for your situation.  Here a couple of our favorites:

fire antsMartin’s Surrender Fire Ant Killer Insecticide-

  • Works on fire ants and harvester ants in turfgrass
  • One application per season
  • One canister treats up to 108 mounds



fire antGardenTech Over ‘n Out Fire Ant Killer –

  • Kill your fire ant mounds in 15 minutes by treating your visible mounds
  • Easy to use granules.  If applied with a drop or broadcast spreader, these granules are carried back where the queen feeds on them, killing the entire colony.
  • 6 months of no fire ants, guaranteed.